venerdì 30 dicembre 2011

Goal Setting for 2011

“One always has to know when a stage comes to an end. If we insist on staying longer than the necessary time, we lose the happiness and the meaning of the other stages we have to go through.” – Paulo Coelho

And so it is THAT time once again. We have all experienced triumphs and defeats in the past year. However, regardless of how we feel about 2010, time, in this reality, continues to move forward. It is time to, as Paulo Coelho would say, “Get off the stage,” and move onto the next one. It is not always easy, but to move forward, one has to “let go” of the past. At the same time, one must retain the lessons learned. As Stevie Wonder said, “Yesterday is the birthplace of today. Today is the birthplace of tomorrow. Tomorrow is the birthplace of forever.” We DO NOT want to be carrying the luggage of our pains with us as we move onto forever!

In Soul Retrieval, we use the “Forgiveness and Release” to let go. We would “forgive and release” 2010 and all of those relationships and experiences that occurred during the past year. Regardless of what tool you use, let go, de-armor, forgive . .whatever – release the past. Move onto 2011 with renewed vigor.

I choose to make every moment count in 2011. Each second that passes is a second that I can never take back. I invite you all to do the same. Let us together make EVERY moment count; starting NOW.

I choose for all of my actions to move me forward in the direction that I would like to go. At the same time, I shall remain vigilant in my pledge to be PRESENT at all times. I will savor every breath of air and experience that I am lucky enough to enjoy.

A great idea after releasing the past would be to set goals for 2011, whether they be personal goals, career goals, life goals, performance goals, sales goals or anything in-between. The philosophy is that the Universe is willing to provide you with anything and everything. We just have to get out of our own way. Also, according to the Bible, “God helps those who help themselves.” You have to work to attain your goals, if they are in alignment with the Creator and Mother Earth, their energies will work with you and make attaining them that much easier.

The idea is to set goals using the famous acronym “S.M.A.R.T.”
S – Specific – well defined & crystal clear
M – Measurable – if you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it!
A – Attainable – a goal should stretch you slightly, but not be impossible to achieve
R – Realistic – a goal should push you, but not break you
T – Timely – set a timeframe

After establishing your goals, Soul Retrieval teaches us to journey for each goal, and clear the path of any obstructions that may be in the way of accomplishing those goals.

As a practitioner of Pan Gu Shengong, I would also go to all 4 corners of my house and do one exercise with the intention of clearing the space of any negative energies so that the road is clear for my journey towards my goals.

10,000 steps begins with the first one. Let’s all take the first one together. Happy New Year! And all the best for a happy, healthy and prosperous 2011!


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