lunedì 23 luglio 2012

Budget travel tips

In recent times money is getting to be in short supply, and even if it is plentiful there is really no need to spend more than you need. That includes on traveling, and it is fun as well as educational to travel. Here are some tips for traveling on a budget to get the most for your money.

First, if possible, plan as far in advance as you can. Airplane tickets first go on sale one year from the date they are for, that is when they are cheapest. The price then usually rises until they are either sold out or no one is buying and the price suddenly drops. Most airlines will give a rebate if that happens.

With hotels you have three options, search on-line for the cheapest price, book early and ask for the cheapest rate available or wait until the last minute and find somewhere trying to fill empty rooms! The first is the most reliable, but the room may not be much. The second requires long range planning, and the third requires luck mixed with negotiation. If the places are all booked you may end up with either nothing or an expensive room!

For food on a budget during travel, think shops for lunch and snacks and ask around for small, local places for dinner. For breakfast, check out the local bakery or ask if there is a free fruit bar, many hotels have them.

As for drinks, if you are trying to budget your travel, do not use the in-room bar, go to the nearest store! Even if it means a taxi it will be cheaper than paying restocking fees for your in-room refreshments. One can generally get a six pack for the price of a single drink. While at the shop or store buy snacks such as chips or nuts, unless they come free with the room!

A simple tip is that whenever possible, pay cash rather than credit card or room charge, and ask for a discount. You should get as room charges add 10-20% to the vendor’s fees or a credit card adds 5%, plus the people frequently have to wait for their money. On activities in the Caribbean, cash automatically gets a 10% discount at most establishments. You also don’t get gratuities added if you don’t want them.

Cash and planning is the secret to successful budget travel. Plan carefully, pay with cash when possible, and ask for discounts, you will usually get something. Have a good and affordable trip following these tips!

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