sabato 3 dicembre 2011

Kegels Exercise – The Best Way to Tighten Your Vagina Within a Few Short Weeks

Many women fear being loose after giving birth to their child and perhaps some of them do have a reason to fear but the good news is there is actually an effective way to counter this problem. Many women have asked, what is the best way to tighten my vagina and the answer is simple, Kegels Exercise.Kegels Exercise is a simple exercise done in order to tighten the vagina and strengthen the pelvic muscles as well. It is easy to do and can be done virtually anytime and anywhere. But in order for it to have any effect at all, you should be committed to it and diligently work at it, that is the only requirement.And once you start to do the exercise daily, you will surely notice the results only after a few weeks. You will have tighter and stronger vagina with Kegels exercise.How Does It Work?When you do Kegels exercise you actually work on your PC muscle, a muscle which forms the floor of the vagina. The PC muscle also controls your orgasm and your urination, so if you learn to control your PC muscle you also learn to control your urination but more importantly your orgasm. When your PC muscle is strong, you can have multiple orgasms and your partner will be pleasured as well since you can squeeze him tightly during love making which can make him squirm.Although a loose vagina is oftentimes the problem of the older women population it is best to start doing kegels exercises while still young because the muscle is still quite elastic at this time, but when menopause sets in the pelvic muscles particularly the PC muscle becomes a lot weaker and thus it becomes harder to take control over them, besides gaining control of your PC muscle is a benefit at any age.EffectsThe effects of Kegel’s exercises is not evident at once it usually take a minimum of two months before anything palpable can be observed. But if you are consistent and keep at it, in two months you would realize the following benefits:* You can have multiple orgasms and therefore enjoy a more vigorous sex life* You have more control over the muscles so you ultimately avoid incontinence* Makes you feel more confident about yourself and thus boost your inner beauty* Makes you feel young and revitalized* Assist you during childbirth and allows for faster recovery of the muscles after giving birth.

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