lunedì 27 febbraio 2012

Used to New Coffee Grounds

Who doesn’t love a good ole cuppa Fair Trade, organic Joe in the morning?  Coffee helps get us moving in the mornings, but when it comes time to clean up the machine, where are you putting those leftover grounds?  We KNOW you wouldn’t just throw them in the trash.   Gasp!  Maybe the compost bin?  Okay, that’s better, but have you thought about a few of these alternatives:

  1.  Throw some down the disposer to not only deodorize the drain, but help sharpen the blades.
  2. Place a small bowl of grounds in the fridge to help absorb odors.
  3. Put some grounds in sachets, old socks, or nylons and place in drawers, inside shoes and around your closet to deodorize.
  4. Fertilize!  Many plants love coffee as much as we do so mix some grounds in the soil around acid loving plants or in flower beds.
  5. Dump used grounds on ant mounds to deter ants.  (repels snails and slugs too!)
  6. Sprinkle in flower beds with a little orange peel to keep kitty from using your garden as her personal litter box.
  7. Add to dog shampoo or sprinkle on dog as a natural flea repellant.
  8. Rub on hands after chopping garlic and onions to neutralize odors.
  9. Add to shampoo to soften and add shine to darker shades of hair.
  10. Add to a little soap for a morning wake up in the shower and as a body scrub.
  11. The caffeine in coffee is a vasodilator.  Use as eye mask to help reduce puffiness.
  12. Use it as a body scrub to reduce the appearance of cellulite.
  13. Use to cover up scratches in dark wooden furniture.
  14. Dye fabric, paper and other items to give them an antiqued look.
  15. Worms love coffee grounds!  Add to worm gardens or keep worms in grounds to use as bait for fishing.
  16. Mushrooms grow really in coffee grounds so why not try to grow a few?
  17. Makes a great abrasive cleanser for oily or greasy surfaces.
  18. Coffee grounds are an amazing meat tenderizer and provides amazing flavor to beef and lamb dishes.

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